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In a class consisting of 100 students 20 know English and 20 do not know Hindi and 10 know neither English nor Hindi...

+1 vote

In a class consisting of 100 students 20 know English and 20 do not know Hindi and 10 know neither English nor Hindi. How many students know both Hindi and English?

posted Oct 6, 2015 by anonymous

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4 Answers

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Lets Assume
No. of students know both English and Hindi = x

No. of students know English (only) = 20-x
No. of students know Hindi (only) = 80-x

20-x + 80-x + x = 100 - 10
=> x = 10

So the number of students know both English and Hindi are 10

answer Oct 7, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

English (E) = 20
Hindi (H) = 100 -20 =80
English+Hindi (EH)
100-H-E+(EH) = 10
100-80-20+EH =10

answer Oct 7, 2015 by Parlin Simanjuntak
0 votes

And the answer is 50 students

answer Oct 7, 2015 by Naga Jyothi
0 votes

40 english
50 hindi
10 neither hindi or english=100

answer Oct 7, 2015 by anonymous

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