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Each row follow the same rule . Fill in the blanks?

0 votes
posted Apr 19, 2014 by Avantika Agrawal

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In each of the following fill in the blanks with words using the same letters.
1. After we (5) for many hours we got (5) and fed up.
2. Chief Red Bull took his rickety (5) deep into the blue (5).
3. Philomena bought forty (5) of Jean's in (5).
4. When Bart grabbed a hot (4) of stew, Pipkin suggested he (4) on it.
5. Alec complained that the (5) was as sour as a (5).
6. After tending to a prickly (4) bush Barts fingers were (4).
7. If you want to wash off the oil from your (4) use the kitchen (4).
8. Jan always like to (3) something savoury with her evening (3).
9. Drive carefully, (5) the car carefully between the (5).
10. After Alice played a sour (4) on the piano the whole (4) was ruined.
11. Instead of taking my car I'll take the (4). I can hop off right in front of the shopping (4).
12. The DGCA found out that the (5) crashed after an electrical fault in the control (5).

+2 votes

The same letter is missing three times in each word.
Fill the blanks

  1. M — L—RI—
  2. DI—MI— —
  3. — INI—U—
  4. A — TE — —A
  5. BA— — A— E
  6. R—L—AS—
  7. —U — — IES
  8. A — — RAC—
  9. CHA— — I —
  10. — AXI — U—
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Find the missing number, if same rule is followed row-wise or column-wise.
enter image description here

0 votes

There are 16 words.
Each word has two + two blanks.
You need to fill up with the same pair of letters to form a word.
For example:
S _ _ ur _ _ e.
The missing pair letters are A T.
The word is Saturate.
enter image description here
