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What vegetable do you need a plumber for?

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What vegetable do you need a plumber for?
posted Jun 28, 2022 by Chahat Sharma

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There is an air base on the equator. The maximum amount of fuel that a plane can contain would be only sufficient for it to fly halfway around the world.

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A trip around the world!
Logic Level 3

There is an air base on the equator. The maximum amount of fuel that a plane can contain would be only sufficient for it to fly halfway around the world.

For at least one plane to finish a trip around the world, how many planes do you need at least?

Details and assumptions:
Same plane doesn't depart twice or more.
The airplanes can use their fuel until it's empty. Starting the airplane doesn't take any time.
Every plane moves at the same speed, and on the same airway.
Assume the planes and air base are dimensionless, and thus, can turn directions instantly.
The plane can only be fueled via aerial refueling, and the amount of time the process takes is negligible.
Every plane starts at the air base and must return to the air base.

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I'm made for one but meant for two;
I can be worn for many years but usually just a few;
You won't ever need me unless you say you do.
What am I?
