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I am an instrument capable of making numerous sound but cannot be touched or seen. What am I?

+1 vote
I am an instrument capable of making numerous sound but cannot be touched or seen. What am I?
posted Feb 10, 2017 by Maninder Bath

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I cannot be felt, seen or touched; Yet I can be found in everybody; My existence is always in debate; Yet I have my own style of music. What Am I?

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I am a feeling that cannot be touched,
But I'm more valuable than gold or clutch.

I'm a force that's strong, yet soft as a dove,
And I'm the reason behind every love.

You can't see me, but you feel me so true,
I'm what makes me say "I love you".

What am I?

+1 vote

I am the most powerful force in the universe, u cannot see or feel me, but i can be seen in ones actions, i have nothing to do with religion. Everyone has some of me, but nobody has all of me, what am I?
