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Can you tell me now, what these words are, that have the same sound?

0 votes

I am a word of meanings three.
Three ways of spelling me there be.
The first is an odour, a smell if you will.
The second some money, but not in a bill.
The third is past tense, a method of passing things on or around.
Can you tell me now, what these words are, that have the same sound?

posted Dec 12, 2018 by Rahul Vaidya

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+2 votes

I am three words,
Two of them appear the same,
Two are pronounced the same.
One is the third person use of "capable" or "permit".
One means to sleep, but only for a bit.
The last word means a group of deer,
Perhaps now you can tell me, what words are here?

+1 vote

I am four words
Though there appear to be three
Two ways of pronouncing
Three spellings there be.
The first is a manner of indicating, a case being such, or therefore, or a measure of degree.
The second is a pig, female you see.
The third is also on a farm, a manner of planting of seed.
The fourth is to stitch, to hold fabric together, indeed.

Can you tell me now, what words could this be?

+1 vote

Listed below are clues that refer to 2 different words. The sound of these words, put together, make a different compound word. Also, just to make things even trickier, when you figure out words, you might need to switch them around to find the compound word.
Ex. A piece of bread used foe making some sandwiches shaped as the fifth letter of the alphabet. ( Bun + E = Bunny )
Can you figure out all the compound words?
1. A relation's short sleep.
2. The talker was the opposite of quiet.
3. A cube-shaped vehicle.
4. Spade's situation.

0 votes

_ _ _ IE _ _
_ _ _ IE _
_ _ IE _ _
_ _ IE _
_ _ _ _ IE

Like you see, some letters have gone missing from these words that contain the IE pair at some or the other place. The letters that will be used to fill the blanks are given below. Use them and form meaningful words. Can you do that?

A, C, D, F, H, K, L, M, N, N, O, R, R, S, S, S, T, T, Y and Y.
