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What strategy would give the best chance of success?

+4 votes

Three people enter a room and have a green or blue hat placed on their head. They cannot see their own hat, but can see the other hats.

The color of each hat is purely random. All hats could be green, or blue, or 1 blue and 2 green, or 2 blue and 1 green.

They need to guess their own hat color by writing it on a piece of paper, or they can write "pass".

They cannot communicate with each other in any way once the game starts. But they can have a strategy meeting before the game.

If at least one of them guesses correctly they win $50,000 each, but if anyone guess incorrectly they all get nothing.

What strategy would give the best chance of success?

(Hint: 100% chance of success is not possible.)

posted Apr 8, 2014 by Ankur Athari

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1 Answer

0 votes

In this game at least two person will have the same color cap.
Before starting the game they will decide: the person who gets the other two, having the same color cap, will start first. and write on paper as "pass".
Second person will see the cap color of third person and write it on paper(either blue or green). Third person will do the same.
Now since both(second & third) have same color cap they both are winner.

answer Apr 11, 2014 by Nikhil Omar

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