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I have legs but walk not.A strong back but work not.Two good arms but reach not.A seat but sit and tarry not.What am I?

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I have legs but walk not.A strong back but work not.Two good arms but reach not.A seat but sit and tarry not.What am I?
posted Jul 8, 2020 by Maninder Bath

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I have two arms and a back,
Supported by four legs.
But there is something I do lack,
Actually, I have no eyes to see.

I also cannot move around,
Or at least, not on my own.
Unfortunately I can make no sound,
Except perhaps a squeak.

If you chop off my head,
You are left with a hair.
If you chop off my tail,
Only tea is left there.

One more clue I will add,
Is that you often use me.
Yet you barely ever notice,
In fact I'd much rather be a tree.

What am I?

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I'm strong, but I'm not known for my good looks.
I'm popular with the ladies, especially good cooks.
I'm thin-skinned from my head to my toes.
Some see me in the paper and turn up their nose,
Because I'm famous as "the Stinking Rose."

Who, or what, am I?
