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How do you spell “we” with two letters without using the letters W and E?

0 votes
How do you spell “we” with two letters without using the letters W and E?
posted Nov 17, 2014 by Atif

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5 Answers

+3 votes

Actual asnwer is: US (us also means we)

answer Nov 17, 2014 by anonymous
+1 vote

iT CAN BE WRITTEN AS " vi "..WEN HEARD ....IT WILL BE we.............

answer Mar 3, 2015 by Varghese Anthony
–1 vote


Either you spell "we" or only "V" it turns out to be same when heard.

answer Nov 17, 2014 by Kunal Shah
we have to spell we with two letters
–1 vote

Us is a synonym for we.

answer Mar 18, 2016 by anonymous
–1 vote

"VI" spells like we
"US" is a synonym of we

answer Oct 12, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana

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