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If 6 ( A's Capital ) = 8 ( B's Capital ) = 10 ( C's Capital ) , then what is the ratio of their capitals ?

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If 6 ( A's Capital ) = 8 ( B's Capital ) = 10 ( C's Capital ) , then what is the ratio of their capitals ?
posted Aug 4, 2015 by Upma

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2 Answers

+1 vote

From the question
6A = 8B = 10C = k

So A = k/6, B = k/8, and C = k/10

A : B : C = k/6 : k/8 : k/10

or ratio is 20:15:12

answer Aug 12, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

let x = k/6 = k/8/ = k/10

so its 20:15:12

ex: 6*20 = 8*15 = 10*12 = 120

answer Aug 5, 2015 by Jayanth Raj Gowda

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