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How many cubes measuring 2 units must be added to a cube measuring 8 units to form a cube measuring 12 units?

+1 vote

How many cubes measuring 2 units on one side must be added to a cube measuring 8 units on one side to form a cube measuring 12 units on one side?

posted May 27, 2016 by Prithvi

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2 Answers

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Volume of cube with 12 unit side=12*12*12=1728.......(1 cube)
Volume of cube with 08 unit side=08*08*08=0512.......(1 cube)
Volume of cube with 02 unit side=02*02*02=08............(x cubes)
Ans is 152 number of cubes measuring 2 units of side.

answer May 28, 2016 by Jaikumar Bhatia
0 votes

Firstly, we will calculate the number of 2 unit cubes in a cube measuring 8 units
A cube of 8 units is made up of 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 cubes of 2 units
Secondly, we will calculate the number of 2 unit cubes in a cube measuring 12 units
A cube of 12 units is made up of 6 X 6 X 6 = 216 cubes of 2 units
Therefore, The answer will be : 216 - 64 = 152 cubes of 2 units

answer Jun 4, 2016 by anonymous

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