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I am sometimes old and sometimes sharp, I am often rich and fine and I absolutely love to have with me a nice..........

+1 vote
I am sometimes old and sometimes sharp, I am often rich and fine and I absolutely love to have with me a nice..........
posted Sep 13, 2023 by Karan Joglekar

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1 Answer

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The ans is -

answer Sep 21, 2023 by Manish Tiwari

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+1 vote

I may be modern, and sometimes fine,
If you place me after a pop, I can be quite divine.

A look at me might raise a brow,
Some time ago, you might have found me after thou.

From a fortune to very little my value can span,
But this is not important, for I still am what I am.

People go to special places to come and look at me,
But I am all around you, just use your eyes, and see.

0 votes

I am yellow and sometimes green on the outside.
I am often very sweet but sometimes very sour.
I am found more commonly in summer.
Who am i ?

+1 vote

It's nice to listen to,
Whether it's old or new,
And you might catch yourself
Tapping your shoe.

People move
When they hear the groove,
And they don't stop
Until the clock hits 2.
