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I'm small but big, i hide behind you but come out when you fall... What am I?

–1 vote
I'm small but big, i hide behind you but come out when you fall... What am I?
posted Dec 7, 2015 by Anuradha Tabyal

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2 Answers

0 votes

may be fear

answer Dec 8, 2015 by Kapil Kumar
0 votes

Are you pain

answer Jul 5, 2019 by Comeback Tuesday

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What am i?

+2 votes

I'm as small as an ant, as big as a whale. I'll
approach like a breeze, but can come like a gale.
By some I get hit, but all have shown fear. I'll
dance to the music, though I can't hear. Of names
I have many, of names I have one. I'm as slow as
a snail, but from me you can't run. What am I?

+1 vote

I'm small as an ant, as big as a whale. I'll approach like a breeze but can come like a gale. By some I get hit but all have shown fear. I'll dance to the music though I can't hear. Of names I have many, of names I have one. I'm slow as a snail but from me you cant run. What am I?

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I'm not always around. I'm big but I look small. Many want to be called by my name and many are called by my name. What am I?
