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What is the smallest number (bigger than 1) that will leave a remainder of 1 when divided by any of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6?

0 votes
What is the smallest number (bigger than 1) that will leave a remainder of 1 when divided by any of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6?
posted Jul 30, 2017 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+3 votes

The smallest number which gives the remainder of 1 when divided of any of the numbers is the LCM of the numbers + 1
i.e. LCM + 1

Which is 61


Because LCM is the smallest number divisible by all the given numbers...........and to have the remainder of 1 then add 1 to the LCM

2 = 1*2
3 = 1*3
4 = 1*2*2
5 = 1*5
6 = 1*2*3
LCM = 1*2*2*3*5 = 60
LCM + 1 = 61

So the number is 61

answer Jul 31, 2017 by Justine Mtafungwa
+2 votes

61 is the smallest number
The smallest number which gives the remainder of 1 when divided of any of the numbers is the LCM of the numbers + 1
i.e. LCM + 1
Which is 61

answer Sep 7, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana

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