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Unit sphere is on a flat plane in rain. What is the length of largest cube that can hide underneath it and not get wet?

0 votes

A unit sphere (radius = 1) is out on a flat plane in the rain. Find the side length of the largest cube that can hide underneath it and not get wet.

A unit sphere is out on a flat plane in the rain. Find the side length of the largest cube that can hide underneath it and not get wet.

posted May 3, 2018 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote


See picture for details.
x- the required value
r- is the radius of sphere=1
it is obvious the distance AO=sqrt(2) as sides of the large square = r=1
AC=x*sqrt(2) => x=AC/sqrt(2)=(sqrt(2)-1)/sqrt(2)=1-1/sqrt(2)

enter image description here

answer Sep 23, 2018 by Hanifa Mammadov

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