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In sequence Y€AN3#W2EP9$F@MIG41UD©S8%VQ5B67R How many symbols are there which is preceded by number...

0 votes

Study the following arrangement carefully
Y € A N 3 # W 2 E P 9 $ F @ M I G 4 1 U D © S 8 % V Q 5 B 6  7 R

How many such symbols are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a number and followed by an alphabet?

posted May 4, 2018 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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5 of them- #, E, $, 1, %
Y € A N 3 # W 2 E P 9 $ F @ M I G 4 1 U D © S 8 % V Q 5 B 6  7 R

answer Jul 28, 2018 by Hanifa Mammadov

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