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How many factors of ********** are even numbers?

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How many factors of ********** are even numbers?
posted Aug 16, 2019 by Akriti

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1 Answer

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2^2 x 3^2 x 5^3 x 11^3 x 37^2 = **********
Total Number of factors = (2 + 1)*(2 + 1)*(3 + 1)*(3 + 1)*(2 + 1)
= 3*3*4*4*3 = 432 factors

Number of odd factors = (2 + 1)*(3 + 1)*(3 + 1)*(2 + 1) = 144
Therefore Number of even factors = 432 - 144 = 288.

answer Aug 18, 2019 by Tejas Naik