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Based on the pairings that you see below, what word is next, replacing the ? mark?

+1 vote

Based on the pairings that you see below, what word is next, replacing the ? mark?

rotate - tare
refits - firs
sneaky - easy
throne - rote
tepees - ?

posted Sep 14, 2015 by Mridul

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3 Answers

0 votes

rotate - tare
refits - firs
sneaky - easy
throne - rote
tepees - pets

answer Sep 14, 2015 by Abhishek Kondhare
0 votes

The last 4 letters of the original word, with the one-to-last letter replaced by the first letter of the original word.

answer Sep 14, 2015 by Jcm
0 votes

First comes the 2 consecutive letters in middle, then first letter followed by last.

RoTAtE - tare
ReFItS - firs
SnEAkY - easy
ThROnE - rote

answer Sep 14, 2015 by Naga Jyothi

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