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If the red angle is 10 and the blue one is 30, what is the measure of green angle?

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If the red angle is 10 and the blue one is 30, what is the measure of green angle?

If the red angle is 10 and the blue one is 30, what is the measure of green angle

posted Sep 16, 2015 by anonymous

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3 Answers

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it must be 20

answer Sep 16, 2015 by Naga Jyothi
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Green angle is 140

answer Sep 17, 2015 by Justine Mtafungwa
0 votes

In triangle there are three angles which are opposite to exterior angles red, blue and green.

As opposite angles are equal.

Therefore value of interior angles is equal to value of angle red, blue and green.

In triangle,

10°+30°+<°green =180°

<°green =180°-40°

Hence ans is 140°

answer Oct 14, 2015 by Jaikumar Bhatia
Why do you think angle red and blue are 10°, 30°?

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