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In a country, there are over 100 streets. Street 1 is named First Street, street 2 is named Second Street, and..........

+3 votes

In a country, there are over 100 streets. Street 1 is named First Street, street 2 is named Second Street, and so on and so forth.

A traveller decides to walk through all these streets in the country. He could find all the streets except Street 62. No matter how hard he tried, he could not find it.

He later found that the locals had given the street another name.

What is the name?

posted May 12, 2016 by Mohammad

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3 Answers

+2 votes

i hope minute street, because for sixty second street we can use minute street.

answer May 12, 2016 by Hasan Raza
I think it is correct answer
+2 votes


One Minute street

street 62 => Sixty second street => One minute street

answer Oct 4, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana
+1 vote

The name of the street is "Minute Street".
This is because Street 62 is named Sixty Second Street, and Sixty Seconds = Minute
Hence they named the street as "Minute Street"

answer Apr 9, 2018 by Yogeshwar Thakur

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