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Can you crack the code based on the 5 clues written below by Bhavya?

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Bhavya had locked his suitcase with a 3-digit numerical code.

He normally forgets his codes, so he wrote some clues indicating the what the code was.

Can you crack the code based on the 5 clues written below by Bhavya?

Clue #1: 082 – One number is correct and well placed

Clue #2: 013 – One number is correct but wrongly placed

Clue #3: 260 – Two numbers are correct but both are wrongly placed

Clue #4: 748 – None of the numbers are correct

Clue #5: 786 – One number is correct but wrongly placed

posted Mar 28, 2018 by Pardeep Kohli

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2 Answers

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Answer: 632
Clue #1: 082 – One number is correct and well placed.....................=_ _ 2

Clue #2: 013 – One number is correct but wrongly placed...............= 3 is correct and misplaced

Clue #3: 260 – Two numbers are correct but both are wrongly placed..= 6 and 2 are correct and misplaced

Clue #4: 748 – None of the numbers are correct.............................

Clue #5: 786 – One number is correct but wrongly placed.............= 6 is correct and misplaced
so, 632 is the code

answer Mar 29, 2018 by Mogadala Ramana
0 votes

Let the 5 statements of the code be 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
From clue 4, we know that 7, 4 and 8 can't be in the code
From clues 1 and 2, we can say 0 is not in the code.
From clues 1 and 5, we know that 8 was not in the code either.
From clue 3 we know that 2 and 6 are in the code
And from clue 2, we know that 3 is in the code.
The 3 numbers are 2, 6 and 3.
Now let me show the order which they should appear in which one.
From clue 1, we can say 2 is correct though it is in the 3rd box
From clue 3, we know that 6 and 2 are placed in the wrong boxes
From clue 2, We know that 3 shouldn't be in the 3rd box but in the 2nd box.
Clue 5 tells us that only one number is correct though it is misplaced so this should be in the 1st box
So the code is 632

answer Oct 24, 2018 by anonymous

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