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Which is most likely, two coins both landing heads up or a picture card being chosen at random from a full deck?

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Which is most likely, two coins both landing heads up or a picture card being chosen at random from a full deck?
posted Apr 27, 2018 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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All the possible coin outcomes = (HH, TH, HT, TT)
Therefore the probability that 2 coins will land on head = (1/4) = 0.25

There are 52 cards in total in a deck, 13 cards in each type & each type has 4 picture cards. This means there are 4×4 =16 cards out of 52 that are picture cards. This makes the probability of picking a picture card randomly from a complete deck = (16/52) = 0.3077

Since 0.3077 > 0.25 it is more likely for a person to pick a picture card out of a deck than landing 2 coins with heads up.

answer Apr 27, 2018 by Tejas Naik

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