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Ages of a father and son add up to 66. The father's age is the son's age reversed. How old could they be?

+2 votes

The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The father's age is the son's age reversed. How old could they be? (3 possible solutions).

posted Apr 1, 2015 by Madhavi Latha

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4 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer

Are 3 possible solutions

answer Apr 2, 2015 by Jaspalsingh Parmar
+2 votes

father's age is 42 and the son's24

answer Apr 2, 2015 by Harinadh G Nair
0 votes


FATHER'S AGE [ 42 - 24 ] SON'S AGE
FATHER'S AGE [ 51 - 15 ] SON'S AGE
FATHER'S AGE [ 60 - 06 ] SON'S AGE

answer Sep 20, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana
0 votes

(10X + Y) + (10Y + X) = 66
Where X and Y are digits of father and Son ages.

11X + 11Y = 66
Dividing throughout by 11
X + Y = 6

Hence possible combinations are
51 and 15
42 and 24
60 and 06

answer Nov 5, 2017 by Anup Desai

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