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Based on the pattern shown in the image, which of the following should go in the dotted box?

+1 vote

Based on the pattern shown in the image, which of the following should go in the dotted box?

Fill the Blank

posted Aug 1, 2015 by anonymous

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6 Answers

+1 vote

Answer : choice B

answer Aug 2, 2015 by Sreejith Pottathil
+1 vote

the answer is b

answer Aug 3, 2015 by Smithakala Thangavel
0 votes

Correct answer: B

answer May 16, 2016 by anonymous
0 votes


answer Sep 21, 2017 by Mayank
0 votes

It should be B

answer Sep 21, 2017 by Subhash Gupta
0 votes

answer is option 'B'

answer Sep 26, 2017 by Mogadala Ramana

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